__* Work . `+ Working is fun today , but happiness shall last only 10 days as our boss will be coming back from his trip and Jolyn will be going back Queensway . It's really a miracle how we could met up with each other once again after such a long time .. I really miss the past times , hanging out with her . I will cherish every moments spent working , hope we will be able to work together again in future ! Though working life is dull and boring , but at least I have enquire some new skills already .. I'd now know how to do engraving and ear-piercing . =) Don't worry , I will be a responsible worker .. Wont throw Jolyn's face one . Thanks alot for helping me through this ; I love you "Mum" .
Today is my 1st off day of the week . Tomorrow might , or might not go out .. Depends ya ? Saturday after work will be accompanying Jolyn go have her lip pierced . I will be piercing mine too , but I'll do it myself . Just now after work , came back Seng Kang with Jolyn .. Went to Jalan Kayu ate supper first before going back . We were big glutton .. Together ate 5 pratas , 1 ice-cream prata , 1 kambing soup , 1 dinosaur , 1 bandung . Cool huh ? But then of course , we did not actually finish all of them up . Well , what you expect ?
By the way , that Darick ran away from hostel .. That BODOH asshole .